Public Speaking 101

Uncategorized Aug 08, 2024

I have a confession to make…I’m tired of repeating myself. 

This past year, I’ve realized that there are certain concepts that I teach to every single client that I work with. 

And with good reason! There are certain technique fundamentals that are prerequisites for becoming a world class public speaker. 

When people don’t have access to those foundational ideas, they can waste a tremendous amount of effort and money. 

  • They’ll spend weeks laboring over their TEDTalk application without knowing the basic storytelling mechanics that would make them stand out

  • They’ll spend thousands of dollars on a Speaker Reel, without learning the on-camera techniques that will make that a worthwhile investment

  • They’ll practice their upcoming presentation to within an inch of its life, but be unable to quiet their nervous system enough to deliver on it 

It kills me to see this.

I’m tired of watching people build their houses on sand. 

That’s why I am so excited to announce the launch of Speak Masterfully 101!

Learn how to step into the spotlight with confidence in this self-paced online course designed by Speak Masterfully Founder Sara Glancy

Speak Masterfully 101 is a self-paced online course that will help you build the foundation needed to step confidently into any room. Whether that’s a courtroom, a board room, or a Zoom room. 

Join me as we dive deep into both “what to say” and” how to say it.” 

Here’s what you’ll learn: 

  • How to craft the kinds of presentations the human brain is hard-wired to respond to
  • The performance techniques used to create “Stage Presence”
  • Tangible strategies to banish stage fright (or at least peacefully co-exist with it) 
  • And how to keep an audience engaged (even over Zoom)  


Whether you are a veteran public speaker looking to up your game, or a complete novice trying to get the courage to come off mute during your meetings, this course is for you.

Remember, you have a story to tell. All you need are the tools to tell it. 

<< Enroll Today! >>


Psst! And as a special thank you for reading to the bottom…

Get access to Speak Masterfully 101 for 50% off by using the code FOUNDATION at checkout, but hurry—this offer is only good through August 15th! 

Photograph of Sara Glancy on stairs
Headshot by Jessica Osber.

Sara Glancy is an NYC-based actor and public speaking coach and the founder of Speak Masterfully, a service that helps professionals take the stage with less fear and more fun! 

Want to nail your next presentation?!  

Apply this basic outline to any speaking engagement to feel twice as prepared in half the time

Download your free copy of "Mesmerize, Don't Memorize" here!

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copy of Mesmerize, Don't Memorize

Apply this basic outline to any speaking engagement to feel twice as prepared in half the time

(without hours of pointless memorization!)