Stick the Landing

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2024

Have you ever been gliding effortlessly through a presentation only to fumble at the very end? You're not alone.  As I learned in the video above...endings are tricky. ;) 

But here's the thing...

The two parts of your presentation an audience is most likely to remember are: 

1. The Emotional Peak
2. The Ending

Which means, if you are in a time-crunch while preparing a presentation, those are the two moments I advice you focus on.

And while I'm not a big fan of memorization in general, I do think there's an argument to be made for memorizing the very last sentence you intend to say. 

Otherwise, you may find yourself nailing a 90min presentation only to end things with,

"So, um, yeah, that's my presentation. Thank you. Um. Yeah, Thanks!"

Pay attention to those closers so you can end with a bang, not a whimper! 


Photograph of Sara Glancy on stairs
Headshot by Jessica Osber.

Sara Glancy is an NYC-based actor and public speaking coach and the founder of Speak Masterfully, a service that helps professionals take the stage with less fear and more fun! 

Want to nail your next presentation?!  

Apply this basic outline to any speaking engagement to feel twice as prepared in half the time

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